Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Acquired a Nikon Coolpix L23 to Improve Images at this Blog

Have bike, we will help save the earth...

I just acquired a Nikon Coolpix L23 point and shoot digital camera to improve images at the blog. I took it by card and costs only PHP 3999.00 and has outstanding features like continuous frame shooting, panoramic shooting, macro shoot of only 3 cm. and 5x optical and 4x digital zoom. It uses just AA alkaline batteries and comes with free 2 GB SD card. Wow. That is good for more than 5000 computer quality pictures. It is currently on sale at Picture City (its stores are mostly at Robinson) I just use a Nokia 2700 phone cam (2 megapixels though) for my earlier pictures. But the lens seems to be scratched all ready. I hope to use this soon for my next posts.

I still must figure out how to download pictures to the computer to upload to the the blog.

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