Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Let us do something to instill safety in motorcyling

Real Cyclist
Angono, Rizal, PHL  | February 2l, 2013

 Three lives were lost when this motorbike with three riders collided head on with a SUV last Monday dawn.  The driver had no license, no insurance, and believed to be intoxicated.  One of the fatalities was a pregnant lady?

Was there police visibility?  Are there no patrol cars?   Are policemen not paid well these days?

The recent twin accidents  which I am personally aware of, should push the private and public sectors to wake up to the growing menace of lack of safety in motorcycling.  Three young lives were snuffed out in a collision with a Isuzu trooper.  Then Choco2 was hit head on by a rider who was alleged to be high on drugs.  The accidents and deaths will continue.  Who will lift his finger?


The Mayor?


The motorcycle businessmen?

The riders?

I had the following sad experience  with motorbikers:

l.  I had been overtaken by motorcycles  from right several times while riding or on cars;

2.  I had been buzzed by large bikes in Bugarin merely millimeters away; even large bikes try to overtake even if you have the lane occupied;  you just have to avoid them and give way.

3.  I nearly had a head on collision on the way from wawa evening and cursed the offender;  he was so bad to run after me and block my path;   if they die from accidents, they may have no one to blame except their bad vibes and mindsets.

4.  Several times, while crossing the pedestrian lane in front of the municipal hall, is was buzzed at the side of the road by speeding motorbikes and where angry when I had to push him away so as to avoid him hitting me on my body/torso;   motorbikes do not know the meaning of pedestrian lanes

5.  This morning  I saw a mother with 2 children without helmets, bringing her children to school.  I think riding a motorbike without a helmet is unsafe at any speed, and riding in tridem  (is there such a word?) or threesome?

Secx related to me such similar bad experience with motorbikers...

More pictures

                                 A death machine? Who is to be blamed, the bigger SUV?

                           Motorbike vs a an Isuzu trooper SUV?;  the motorbike was no match

                              All that the Isuzu suffered were scratches and crumpled lower fender

                         The students without helmet rit are unaware of the danger of their riding

                             New lethal weapons awaiting registration;  more are coming

        The newer bikes are lighter,more powerful,  faster and payment terms and lower price means it is easy to acquire them.  Compared to owning 4 wheeled vehicles, owning a motorbike is easy.  And it gives convenience and a lot of savings from commute.

However accidents and deaths from motorcyles are increasing in number.  And no one, no one seem to care.

I hope this post shocks some in their deep slumber and complancency

Safety, traffic rules enforcement.

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