Monday, December 3, 2012

Using snorkel can increase fun in the water

Biking and health

I learned how to use the snorkel only last Tuesday.  It was difficult in the beginning.  But once you get used to it, swimming, enjoying underwater views:  fishes corals, etc.   can be truly amazing and enjoyable.

Some things to observe:

l.  Wash the eye piece with salt water and your spittle so that it does not fog out;

2.  Be sure your nose is inside the viewfinder and that it is tight.  Any leak will cause water flood your viewfinder.

3.  Bite the mouthpiece.  You must breathe through your mouth.

4.  Immerse yourself slowly into the water.    If you dive, water will flood your tube and you will swallow water.

5.  Relax and breathe normally through your mouth.

I guess snorkling can increase your lung capacity.

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