Friday, April 6, 2012

Today, Good Friday, and Once a Month Thereafter, Fast

Bike and Save the Earth

As part of the religious rites, we are supposed to fast during the Holy Week.  It is termed "desayuno"  No breakfast.  Fasting fulfillls several important health functions:

l.  It helps your body rest its digestive system, especially the liver;

2.  It dexotifies your body;   the deposits in the kidney, the accumulated fecal matter at the lower colon, in the joints are removed from the body;

3.  By resting your liver, it allows greater carboloading.  This is practiced in marathon training.  I used to do this , 2 or 3 days before the marathon, and the night before I join carbo loading party.  And then you have enough  calories to last for 4 hours of running.

Since 4 pm yesterday I am on fasting.  I take apple juice and biscuits and water.  As of 4 am today, I did 3 movements all ready and I guess the fasting was successful.  Smith agrees that fasting is being practiced too in preparing cocks for fights..

From the JC Kurian book, sidebar, page 57 "  Treatment:  Stop breaking God's laws of health Stop eating for a while. Help nature get rid of mucous and poisons by drinking lots of warm water.  Cleanse the bowels by  drinking l/3 sea water with 2/3 hot water. Two quarts for an adult.  Breathe fresh air day and night.  Sweat by sauna bath...."

Again friom JC Kurian book, sidebar page 6l "  Fast for one or two meals and drink  only pure soft water. The loss of a meal or two will enable the overburdened system to overcome slight indisposition and even greater indispositions may be overcome by this simple process"  E. G White.  Healthful Living

Cyntthia Llantada also discusses this in her book, Surviving Cancer this fasting under the chapter on detoxification/ cleansing.  Her book is available at NBS.  PDI on Cyntia Llantada How She Conquered Cancer without Drugs

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