Tuesday, January 3, 2012

5 Practical Tips on How to Prevent Enlargement of Prostate

Bike and Prevent your Prostrate from Enlarging.

This is becoming more of mouthpiece/retail outlet of products of newsmax health.

Most of the bikers of course we know want to protect their health, especially of their prostate which is a problem for most men over 40.  Here Dr. David Benrstein discusses how to deal with this problem.  There are five practical tips:

l.  Eat healthy food; have a healthy diet
2.  Exercise daily (bike)
3   Drink plenty of filtered water.
4.  Avoid drinking 3 to 4 hours before bedtime.
5.  Take prostate protection supplement

The video of course at the middle and end promotes Dr. Bernstein's prostate supplement which could be had for free, provided.....

But the five tips are sensible and practical and may save you from expensive painful prostate surgery and even enhance your love life.

Here is the link to the video:


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