Monday, January 30, 2012

More Challenges at the Baguio Ride

Bike and Save the Earth

Some good news. 

Peter Anonuevo took some 225 pictures and published them on the facebook. They say that Diego took more pictures.  I do not know how to pick up picture from FB to be blogged.

The son of Netoy merely l2 years old was a superb biker and survived the 200 km + journey.

The 2nd day ride up to Baguio was a non event;  except for:

l.  Gerry broke his chain near the Lion's head.  Anyway, since 3 weeks ago, his BB had difficulties.

2.  7 day's hanger broke  of all places on the way up Kenno Rd.

3.  Richard s flat was a blow out and did not have spare exterior with them.  That is why I now have two folding reserve

Well mishaps like these are great teacher

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