Sunday, January 1, 2012

Health is Wealth

Heart Attacks and Strokes can be Prevented

Health is Wealth.  That is why I have this blog  about biking.  I work very hard to stay healthy.

And I often say, what good is your accumulated assets if you are not healthy to enjoy it.

 On the other hand, health care is a big business.  (It is about P200 billion industry in the PHL)

The number one cause of death is cardio vascular disease.  I recently saw a free video by Dr. Chaucey Crandall, who himself had a heart attack on how to prevent heart attack.  It is surprisinsg in the study of Crandall, there are societies and countries which do not have this problem.  Dr. Crandall heads a Cardiac Center in Florida and has helped  quite a number of cardiac patients on all aspects:   prevention, crisis intervention, diagnosis, treatment,  etc.

The two major causes of cardio vascular and degenerative diseases  in the US are:

l.  High fat and sugar diet

2.  Inflammation.

The cause of heart disease and degenerative diseases are the same.

This is how you can lessen heart attacks/stroke:

l.  Exercise

2.  Stop smoking

3.  Lessen fat and sugar intake. Have a healthy diet.

4.  Have your good and bad cholesterol measured.  Be watchful if you have pattern B for bad cholesterol

5. Have a PLAC test.

Heart bypass is the last resort.  Stent and angioplasty are less tramautic

Please click the link to the video:

Dr. Crandall's Video on Prevention of Heart Disease

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