Sunday, November 6, 2011

It Was Raining Until 9 am; I biked briefly to Morong Albeit Fast - November 6, 20ll ride

Have bike, we will help save the earth...

It was raining since last night until 9 am this morning.  The Recyclists told me that we will bike to Jalajala if did not rain.  But it rained.  As you all now, Nolite crashed when they passed through Teresa after it rained.

I saw Gerry Cataps; he did not bike  I biked until the municipal hall of Morong.
I thought of seeing Luis in Morong near the school where we rest. It took me about l hour and 30 minutes to do the ride.  It was sort of fast.  Although my cyclo computer was not working, I estimated I was doing 30+  Now my muscles are sore.

                                            These are post ride pictures taken at our yard.

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