Sunday, March 11, 2012

Natural Cures Along the Bike Routes

                                     Gravioli for Cancer, Angel bought for his wife

                                    Bananas, rich in potassium, good for the heart

                               BJ, has the same electrolyte as body, has l0x more potassium than a sports drink

                          Yellow ginger, good for cough, better than statins in lowering bp? and safer

Philippines has a conondrum of vegetables and herbs that that are just being used as natural treatment for chronic/lifestyle diseases.  Lifestyle diseases:   heart, diabetes, cancer are the top killers in modern times. The western medicine is found to be ineffective;  cure rates are low, and death rate continues to rise.

Cure rate for  chemo is at 3% or less;  cancer patients are most likely to die not from the disease, but from the cure.  But gravioli treatment, it was found out, is l0t more potent than Acridymycin for stage 4 colon cancer patient, a study in Korea showed.  I found out that for the wife of Angel who was just operated on, she had to take guyabano (gravioli) and Angel dutifully bought the fruit, and the yellow ginger for her elevated BP.  Her BP though is elevated because she is worried.

Statins under commercial name have been found to cause diabetes and loss of memory.  The US FDA allready admitted this.  Vit C, to prevent inflammation of blood vessels that lead to athesclorosis, and yellow ginger are strong alternative natural cure.  Would you want to lose your memory as you lower your cholesterol level.?

                       Angel buys gravioli (guyabano ) for ailing wife

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