Sunday, February 26, 2012

Richard Ang 9 years old, Invites Recyclists to a Children's Party

Bike and Save the Earth

Richard Ang who turns 9 year old on the 29th (he is really 36 but celebrates his birthday once @ 4 years) has posted in his FB an invitation  for all Recyclists to attend his children's party on Wednesday.  Like me he has not been able to join the bike to Tagaytay today.

I hope many of us can attend.  I will having a CCAC lecture at Acacia Hotel at Alabang on
Wedneday at 6 pm.

Happy birthday Richard

The Recyclists_2010 Will Bike to Tagaytay Today

Bike and Save the Earth

At 6 am today, the Recylists will bike to Tagaytay.  Assembly point will be the municipal building of Taytay at MEG.  I think many will join the ride except me;  I am down with colds.  It is hard to bike with stuffy and runny nose. You can not breathe very well;  it hard biking hard and wiping the mucus from your nostrils.

Enjoy your ride guys.  Last week, it was lonely ride for me.

Advanced Happy Birthday to Richard who will celebrate his 9th birthday this 29th.  (He celebrates birthday every 4 years right)  But in reality he is old at 36.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

How to Lose Weight After 50; 5 important Tips

Bike and Save Your Health

There are some important things you should understand about being healthy and happy.  Here is a video that explains some important background if you are forty and above and you have battle with your extra weight and the bulge.

Battle with the routine and the bulge

If you are over forty most of the time your life is a routine, and you are overweight, has battle with the diminished interest in life that goes with it sluggishness, and all sorts of things.  The sad truth is in USA, 2/3 of people are overweight and l/3 are obese.

5 important tips about weight loss problems

l.  You have to watch your belly size more than you watch your weight.  A large belly means you have more likely to have disease of the lungs, heart and liver.  There are no people who are 60 who have waistline above 40. My MD told me that my longevity is inversely proportional to my weight measurement.  Fortunately it is 32 inches

2.  It is more difficult to lose weight if you are older.  Without exercise or intervention, you add 8-l2 lbs every decade as you get older.  You lose muscles which metabolizes more; fat of course  cant metabolize itself, and therefore, you accumulate more fat, which makes it difficult for you to lose weight. Is it fat snowball effect?

3.  If you are overweight, you are most likely to have sugar addiction.  If you are menopausal, (or men o pause in the case of men) you are likely to produce less serotonin, the feeling good hormone and most likely to be less happy and  depressed, and fight it off by eating more food rich in sugar or white flour.  Sugar as we know it causes diabetes and weight gain.  Your low estrogen, testosterone secretion causes this. Being high in GI, the body has to produce more insulin which causes your body to decrease  its metabolism of fat, and you gain weight.  The American food industry add  l40 to l80 lbs of sugar and white flour to the diet.

4.  You are likely to have sugar problem and metabolic problem of your weight gain.

5.  Once you have found these, you can make some simple diet changes and exercise to regain the body weight and figure you once had.  Some ideas:  drinking cold water, reverse meal, simple walking biking exercise.  Nothing fancy or expensive.

Diet and Exercise Industry want the Way you Are.?

The diet and fitness industry actually give us the wrong information so that they will earn more.  They do not want us to succeed.  So those machines, diet, tips, gymns will make you lose some weight but recover them soon enough.  They, if you are paranoid, together with the food industry simply want you stay the way you are. 

Watch the Video by Susan, former chiropractor, of Newsmax Health

I should probably start a new blog on health?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Statins Not Very Good for Health?

Bike and Save Your Health

I post many health items here, and not about biking alone because I believe that the bottom line for most bikers is their health.  So I make it a point that whenever I can, I will post articles on health.

This is about statins

In the l980s, the statins became popular and was heavily prescribed by doctors as antidote to heart attacks and strokes;  the action of the drug is to reduce cholesterol level which leads to arthesclorotic plaques that block arteries leading to thrombosis and consequently the fatal strokes or heart attacks.

But the widespread use of this drug has not reduced the incidence of heart attacks or strokes. This was reported by Dr. Blayblock.  It was reported that this also causes damage to muscles, damage to kidneys, diabetes, suppression of the body's immune system, heart failure and mental confusion (this has something to do with depletion of COQl0.

The naturals are better

Blayblock reports that Vit C.magnesium, carotenoids, tocotrienols are much better than some statins.

The chances of not having heart attacks and strokes by using statins are just up by 4%.

There are conflicting medical advice.  But we go for natural right.

Cancer remission from vegie and organic food

I have a kumare who had a cancer remission by shifting to all vegie diet and taking only organic food.

Read on:    Statins Big Danger

N.B. I should have separate blog on health?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

My Bike Ride Today to Tagaytay

Bike and Save the Earth

Gerry, Allan and Angel told me they planned a ride to Tagaytay today. I have not biked for three times on week end since Jan 29, 30 -  that was when I went to Thailand;  On Feb 5, I simply did not bike, and on Feb l2, it was the day I came from La Union.

Where art thou?

I failed to find the bike mates at the appointed place in front of INK.  I waited until 630.  They could have left me.  So I made a chase and I was Bicutan by 7 am.  However I broke the bike chain in front of Camp Bagong Diwa and everything was in shambles.

Broke chain

Although I  had a chain tool, which enabled me to reassemble the broken chain, the tool itself broke and was not able to seal the chain.  I broke only after 30 meters of biking.  I walked down till the intersection to look for bike shop. Fortunately, I met a senior biker (just like me) His name is:   Raffy Calderon, who said he is the cousin of the mayor of our town.   Thank you Raffy.  Thus I was able to bike again.  By 8 I was off to Tagaytay.  By 8:30 I was in Alabang;  9 at Bacoor, l030 at Silang and  Tagaytay by ll45.  I checked my companions and still did not respond.

                                        Daang Hari

                                   Landscaping at Kings Road

New acquaintances:

I met Ortiz who said he is from Makati, and contactor at Citiland in Tagaytay.  Somebody he said died from heart attack while biking fast on the first day he arrived from abroad.  He said Angelo Reyes is their bike mates.  He could not tell me why the good general shot himself.  Ortiz said the good general brought his secret with his death.

I met also June from Malate and his group from Manila.  He is an SG and says he regularly bikes at Moa.  He can bike at about 40 to 45 kph and he is at the paceline.  But today he can bike only l5 kph

Strong crosswinds and headwinds

Riding up Tagaytay was quite slow.  I can only do l5 to l8 kph because of the winds.  At  the C6 it is also the same

Fragrance from blooming flowers

When crosswinds blow, there is an intoxicating fragrance coming from blooming flowers.  What could they be?  Flowers from mango or orange orchard?  But it is something different.

Could it be from the coffee trees?

My companions did not ride to Tagaytay

I checked Gerry today.  He arrived at the rendezvous point at 6:45.  Allan got drunk.  They rode to Morong instead.  His phone was out of order.

Planned ride this Sunday

There is a planned ride this Sunday again to Tagaytay.  I hope they come

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Simple Heart Test

Bike and Save the Earth

Most of the bikers ride to be healthy.  We could be prone to heart disease without knowing it.  I suggest that we take this simple test from Dr. Bob Crandall from newshealth max.

A Simple Heart Test from Dr. Crandall 

Love Foods, Foods for Valentines

Bike and Save the Earth

This is my post on nuidea share blog which I think is useful to share with fellow bikers.  We just celebrated Valentines in the PHL;  elsewhere in the world they are celebrating the same today.  It may be useful to review this study:

"We just celebrated Valentines in the PHL;  elsewhere in the world they are celebrating this day today.

Let us review what are the foods of love again:

Oyster  -  contains dopamine, a nuero transmitter in the brain that increases feeling of sexual desire;

Tomatoes  -  believe it or not, lycopene, aside from an ingredient that prevents prostate cancer, boosts sexual powers. It is also called the love apple.

Vitamin C -  increases quantity and quality of sperm count;

Chocolates  -  as mentioned in yesterdays blog was the primitive Vit V;  it contains phenylethamines, which boosts the production of endorphins, which produces the body high;

Honey -  honey moon would not be called were it not for the fact that honey increases the sexual stamina of newly weds;

Fruits and vegetables

Granola - rich in L arginine which boosts sexual function;  other food rich in same are green vegetables, garlic, peanuts, oatmeal and ginseng seeds.

Fish  - from salmon and mackerel are rich in Omega 3 which boosts your nerve circuitry and circulatory system

According to Dr John Mulhal of Cornell University, anything that is good for the heart is good for erection.

Read more:

Foods for Love/Valentine"

 "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Health Benefits of Chocolate - as an ancient Viagra

Bike and Save Your Health

Happy Valentines Day today.  There will be a lot of flowers and chocolate gifts to loved ones.  Why chocolate?

In ancient times, the Vit. V was chocolate,  not in the form today but simply crushed cocoa beans spiced with Chili.  It was supposed to be the drink of Emperor Montezuma, and even Casanova  before engaging in the nocturnal activities.  Cocoa dilates blood vessels and give good feeling because of its effect on the brain.

Chocolate is the ancient viagra

Other aphrodisiacs:   celery and strawberry?

Other 5 food turn-ons

Chocolate also helps fight cancer

Kill Cancer with Chocolate and Cabernet

Other benefits of chocolate:

Chocolate Benefits Research

N. B.  In no way is the blogger an endorser of chocolate, or specific chocolate products.  I am just sharing literature on chocolate, which the valentines day favorite stuff.

Exercise Your Mind as you Exercise Other Muscles

Bike and Save Your Health.

I have not biked for the last 3 weeks after I have gone abroad and very busy schedule.  However, I will try to make up for it by posting additional health tips from a rss feed.  I came across an article that says how to stop decline in brain powers.  It says you have to engage yourself physically and mentally in what you do.  In  other words, exercise regularly say talk a walk (or bike) and use your mind more.  Maybe read (It is not stated there or solve puzzles, or suduko)  That is the way to stay physically healthy and  mentally.

Here is the link: Fight Brain Decline

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Diet Colas Lower Sperm Count and and Lead to Miscarriage?

Bike and Save the Earth

I am unable to blog on rides because I just came from abroad.  However, I could share articles on health issues that I read from newsfeeds.

Colas could be bad for fertility of jorgeusbikers!

l.  The most immediate concern for bikers is that it lowers sperm count?!  That is bad.  For women taking diet colas, it could increase the risk of miscarriage. Beware

2. Diet colas hasten ageing;

3.  Bad for the teeth;

4,  Induces osteoporosis;

5.  Bad for cardiovascular health

6.  Can cause pancreatic cancer.

7.  Leads to type 2 diabetes

8.  Leads to obesity

9.  Increases risk of stroke or heart attacks

Diet Colas Link to Strokes and Heart Attacks

Looks pretty scary?  Especially for me because I take a lot of diet colas.  It is the only soda I can drink because of elevated blood sugar.  However, I have to give it up.

We take a lot of sodas during rest or post ride.

It is something to be cautious about.

colas_soft_drinks could be bad for health

Friday, February 3, 2012

Suzanne Sommers writes on How to Cure Cancer

Bike and Save the Earth

Suzanne Sommers, a famous TV actress in Three's Company writes a very good book on how to cure cancer using non traditional approach vs.  surgery, radiation and chemotheraphy.

Here is a video link that may be of help in case somebody in the family or circle of friends is suffering


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Prayers Help you Strengthen Your Mind (Neurotheology)

Bike and Save the Earth

This video is about the ground breaking research of Dr. Newberg of prayer on physical and mental health.  Prayer reduces risk of Alzheimers and promotes good health.  This research is called Neurotheology.  It also lessens experience of pain.

Prayer involves:   regular prayer and praises to God, joining religious activity such as masses, singing, and positive thinking and mental attitude.  For prayer to be effective, it has to be more than 5 minutes.

Please watch this interesting video.

It also reduces bike crashes and bike mechanical failures during rides.

How Prayer Makes you Healthier and Younger 

Fwd: Spam Hikes Diabetes; Pneumonia Evades Vaccine; Santorum's Daughter Beats Fatal Odds

New Health Tips from Newsmax Health

Health Alerts

ALERT: How One Household Plant Has Been Shown to Improve Prostate Function
Spam Canned Meat Tied to Diabetes Risk
Testicular Zap Effective for Contraception
Study: Pneumonia Bug Evades Vaccine
Special: Your Blood Sugar May Be Killing You. Control Naturally.
Injectable Foam Dissolves Varicose Veins
Does Your Heart Flutter, Race? Doctor Warns.
The #1 Prayer Mistake That Can Make You Sick

To Read More Health News go to

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New Health Ideas from Newsmax Health

Bike and Save the Earth

I recently got some newsfeed from Newsmax health.

One tells about the use of ultrasound to reduce sperm count.  Warming the balls leads to reduction of sperm count in males or even bringing the count to zero.  Please take note of that when it is hot or bikingin hot weather. Or engaging in hot debate  can make you sterile?  (joke joke)


Also there is an article about the adverse effect of statins.  A naturlal substitute, Red Yeast Rice could be a substitute for  statins.   In the Phil, the fruit used for Noi juice is being used to control high BP (not to mention garlic)

Statins Could be Dangerous to Your Health; Red Yeast Rice a Substitute