Thursday, February 23, 2012

Statins Not Very Good for Health?

Bike and Save Your Health

I post many health items here, and not about biking alone because I believe that the bottom line for most bikers is their health.  So I make it a point that whenever I can, I will post articles on health.

This is about statins

In the l980s, the statins became popular and was heavily prescribed by doctors as antidote to heart attacks and strokes;  the action of the drug is to reduce cholesterol level which leads to arthesclorotic plaques that block arteries leading to thrombosis and consequently the fatal strokes or heart attacks.

But the widespread use of this drug has not reduced the incidence of heart attacks or strokes. This was reported by Dr. Blayblock.  It was reported that this also causes damage to muscles, damage to kidneys, diabetes, suppression of the body's immune system, heart failure and mental confusion (this has something to do with depletion of COQl0.

The naturals are better

Blayblock reports that Vit C.magnesium, carotenoids, tocotrienols are much better than some statins.

The chances of not having heart attacks and strokes by using statins are just up by 4%.

There are conflicting medical advice.  But we go for natural right.

Cancer remission from vegie and organic food

I have a kumare who had a cancer remission by shifting to all vegie diet and taking only organic food.

Read on:    Statins Big Danger

N.B. I should have separate blog on health?

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