Saturday, March 19, 2022

Chief of a food manufacturing giant tweets bike lanes cause traffic at EDSA

Wheels of Happiness

Ramon Ang: Ang problema lamang sa EDSA, traffic is because of the bicycle lane. In other countries, bicycle lane is on the sidewalk. Tayo ginawa natin sa gitna ng highway |
All ready this tweet is taking flak mostly from the biking world because as we all know traffic was in Edsa long before the bike lanes (which were introduced only in pandemic) There are other causes which know as too large volume of vehicles, undisciplined behavior at the road, illegal parking at some areas to mention many more
The good sir may have spoken out of turn or brash conclusion. We all know that this true but not entirely true. Other factors play a part.
This post used to teach at grad school critical thinking. One subject was systemic thinking:
1. The causes of problem is systematic - ie no singular cause of problems. There are multiple causes of problem.
2. The causes are not simplistic or linear;
3. Thus Peter Senges teaching that in strategic thinking we need to address the five items in each of the employees,: shared vision, ,shared learning, mindset, personal improvement, systemic thinkig

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