Thursday, June 27, 2024

Difficulties and challenges in a bike ride

Wheels of Happiness

Mostly they are pedestrians and other vehicles who pose danger to your life and limb:

1.  Pedestrians who suddenly dart out from their yard, in play;
2.  Vehicles which stops and whose door suddenly open
3.   Motor tricycle who makes turn, especially u turn without warning;
4.  MC who overtake both from right and left
5.  Mga pumipina:   trucks, buses, vans
6.   PUVs that suddenly stop and unload at the middle of the street and you are running at 30+ kph.  Sudden stop or swerve to you left?
7.  Wet roads due to the laundry or other waste thrown by the household on the street;
8.  Sand and gravel left on the street after heavy rain.

Just be watchful, vigilant and be safe

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