Thursday, June 27, 2024

Climbed Bugarin all the way to Manang Rinas eatery (KM 68) using big chain ring

Wheels of Happiness

My bike ride today was to Bugarin KM 68, using big chain ring 52 x 28.   Like the gear combination I used for the Teresa Antipolo loop.   Before I drop down to small chain ring before Km 63  (before climbing to the bamboo farm.   This time it was big chain ring all the way.   The going gets rough at km 64, right after the restaurant row.  

But thereafter going gets less tough.  The gradient at Bugarin must be 5 to 12 max (or even less)

I dreaded going up Bugarin before   May gear was small chain ring ang the biggest cog at the rear

What was my feeling (especially that I just turned 73)
1.  Like Eureka -  see I did it big chain ring all the way;
2.  Like I was very young again;
3.  Like I had a new bike

I will try this at Cabrera, Domsa, diversion and Antenna.  I hope I dont break my chain.

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