Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Aping the pros- riding up the hills on big chainrings.

Wheels of Happiness

This post climbed from Morong Teresa to Antipolo until Avida communities on big chain rings 52.  and rear cogs at 28 at the steepest portion.   When I was younger I always climbed this on 34/36  and 34.  This time am aping the big chain ring riders at the big event even using 54 and 60 chain rings at hill climb.

Thats a ratio of 52/28 =  1.85

Whereas before I rode it at 36/34  = 1.05.   Thats a large difference.  

I found out it can be done.  Prior to this, I shifted to small chain ring, 36, before climbing at Island Cement turn.   I experimented today and I came through.  Congratulations to me

Here are the reasons why the bigger chain ring, the better  :

1.  Less strain on the chain
2.  Less bending because of bigger circumference
3.  Less friction
4.  Less cross chaining

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