Monday, August 5, 2024

Training to be DIY mechanic trains your mind to be meticulous and detailed

Wheels of Happiness

This post has maintained that sports and business are similar in approach   you have to train,  you  have observe a process, you have to have a goal, you have to prepare your inputs, study your processes to improve your ride and strength.   You have to watch what you eat and many more.

Same with business.  Above you all, you have to be passionate.

Same with being DIY mechanic.  As I disassembled the Campy crank, I have to observe very well the sequence of removal (to aid me in reassembly)  observe what is abnormal with normal.  I observed the bearing and the axle to be grimy and filled with grit.  There were gaskets that are probably interfering with the rotation of the crank

I had to be meticulous and observant.  Same as in business.  If it is failing, I have to know what are the factors that cause it to fail.  

I know I have continue doing this, ie being vigilant of what can go wrong, Otherwise, I I  will wreck the bike

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