Saturday, August 24, 2024

Doored at Pililla KM 55; happy that it was not serious - no fractures, no dislocation

Wheels of Happiness

I rode last Thursday planning to go up to Bugarin (80 km , 40 x 2).  However,  this post met an accident -  was doored.  A ranger that had just parked left door suddenly opened, and I travelling at about 20 kph
slammed at the suddenly opened door.   My right bar hit the door, which caused me to swivel.  Fortunately I still stood upright, did not crash.   The right hood was sheared off, the rear wheel was misaligned.  Which was fixed by loosening and tightening the QR.  However the rubber hood was a total loss.  I was able to get it back but probably fell by the way side.

All the driver was able to do was to beg for forgiveness and scratch his head.  No offer to have my wounds treated (there slight bleeding at the left shin) or compensation.

I was still able to bike up to Bugarin in heavy gears.  (Big chainrin)  There was  slight pain, and I requested that I be fetched in Morong.  However there was no reply as the vehicle was on scheduled service.

I was finally fetched at Cardona after a long wait.  The people in the house did not want me to strain my legs for fear of hairline fracture (which has happened to wifey)

I was able to get x ray of my two legs early today  (there was none yesterday being a holiday) and got the results at 3 pm today.

No fracture or dislocatin.  Thanks the Lord.

May we request motorists not to suddenly open their door when they park along highways.  Look at their rear view mirror first.  

For cyclist, maintain a 1 to 1.5 meter from parked about to park vehicles.     Or else you too may get doored.  

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