Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fighting sarcopenia in later years

Wheels of Happiness

With 3 years + 7 decades behind me, I am aware that I am all ready undergoing sarcopenia  -  ie - loss of muscle mass and bone density.  That why I can not risk going off road, or going faster on descent.  

Thus: this post has to supplement biking with some free body weight exercises like lunges, and knee bends with weights.  And has to follow the recommendation that riding be done on big chain rings for added torque and resistance training to counter sarcopenia.   

Thus I try to do DOMSA ride, diversion, Bombongan, Teresa Antenna ride on big chain rings.  These rides leave me exhausuted and drained that is why this post spends a lot of time sleeeping, taking a nap in the afternoon.  

This post expects that he could live better, if not longer with these exercise routines.

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