Saturday, August 3, 2024

Climbed Cardona diversion on large chain ring

Wheels of Happiness

In one of the videos on FTP, I learned that aside from sprinting one of the ways to induce your body to ride faster and stronger, is to ride hills consistently, and increasingly on harder gears

On the way back, I rode up to Cardona diversion.    Instead of riding up on 36, I rode up to the first turn to the left to be at 52t chain ring.  I felt that I could do the remainder of the climb at 52.  But I did not want to hurt myself so I downshifted to 36t

I tried to pass at Mambog but I was on rb and the roads were muddied.  So I just went through the diversion.  

Earlier, I rode with Pastor Exequiel and Sec Noe.   Between Morong and Cardona, I accelerated at 52t and tried to lead them 

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