Monday, August 5, 2024

Cleaning and regreasing of Campy crank

Wheels of Happiness

I met Mario Toledo, my best mechanic,  yesterday at a mountain trail road and hastily I consulted the campy crank, (the bearing of which was just replaced)  which has not be been rotating smoothly.  He advised that I should disassemble, clean, and regrease.

Which I did today.  Removal of the 10mm crank bolt (and reinstalling is a challenge).

True enough the crank axle is dirty and the non drive bearing is a little bit sticky.  So I cleaned the crank axle the bearing, and the crank shell. Generously regreased the bearing and the axle with synthetic lighter grease.   How could they all be so grimy after just three months?   Its good that the bearings were still in good shape.

Now the crank now turn faster and smoother.  I must have lost 10-15 watts with the dirty 

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