Friday, July 19, 2024

Why was Pogacar so much faster than Pantani ripping his records by 3:30-?

Wheels of Happiness

An analysis by Cycling news

Pogacar and company broke Pantanis record in the 15th stage of TDF (Plateue de Belles):  in terms of wattage, time (3:30) and speed, running the last 5 km at 26 kph.   That meant also those behind him Jonas and Van der Poel broke the said record (also of other said stage champs like Armstrong etc.)

The reason was:  technology and about watts.   With the following, Pogi could have exerted 70 less watts:

1.  Aero bike -  aero bars and cable less frontal of the bike.   (My two bikes have aero bars and one does not have exposed cables)  While thisi would not work for slow climb, it certainly worked for the 26 + kph by Pogi at last 5 km

2.  Tire technology:   Pogi had 50mm at the back and 40 mm in front.  Tires were 32 (> 28 mm.  I have 28 mm in one of my bikes)  Before it was theorized that Pantani"s 21 mm tires were faster.  But now the theory is that most roads are not that smooth and wider tires absorb the mini shocks which slows down the bike.   

3.  Aero clothing -  the skin hugging jerseys and bibs were easily 7 watts.   Pantani wore loose flapping jerseys

Pogi also ran the climbs seated.  Vs Marco who ran out of saddle.   Pogi certainly saved a lot of energy sitting down

What do you think?  Or is simply because Pogi did a Pogacar.


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