Thursday, September 5, 2024

Worked the whole afternoon getting my TI MTB in tip top condition.

Wheels of Happiness

On my bike ride to Wawa, I noticed the shifting to be hard.   The headset problem has been solved.  Now its the time to look after the drive train.  These were the things I did:

1.  First, this post disassembled and soaked the rd and fd in degreaser and cleaned them well.  Then the oiled the pivot points.  However I could not get the main spring have the proper tension.   I could only get
the cage to 90 degrees vertical not at horizontal.  Therefore the chain was slack  II tried a dozen times to get the tension of spring back.

2.  I researched at YT and found out that I have to rotate the cage clockwise by at least 180 degrees.  This I could not do since I observed the part that attaches to the cable gets into the way.  (You will be surprised that I was not thnking outside the box.  )  It looked immovable.  The only way out is to move the spring by other means.   I gave up on my DIY and went to the bike mechanic,   He proposed creating a tool to rotate the spring.  Later on he found like solving a puzzle that the parrallelogram can be moved and the cage can be rotated 180 degrees.  Voila.  I gave him P50.00 for the effort.

3.  Then I found out that the cable inside was rusted.   So I had to replace the outer too.   And so I looked for  full length shifter cable and I found one.  My waterloo there is inserting the cable at the changer.   I entangled a cable before.   I had smooth sailing this time.   I replaced the outer at the last 20 cm portion of the cable near the RD.

4.  It took me 4 tries to get the cable to the right tension.  And I had to adjust the limit screws.  The bike would not shift to the biggest and smallest gear.   

5.  Then the rd would not shift back to the lowest gear.  I found out that the upper pulley was hitting the chain stay.  So thats where the B screw adjustment came in.  I scewed in the B screw to clear off the chain stay.   

Perfect.  Now the Ti MTB is a Ok.   But was tired.   Finished at 7:00

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