Friday, May 31, 2024

Sports, in particular biking, develops one to be a successful person in business and other career

Wheels of Happiness

It is often the observation that sportsman often turn out to be successful, millionaire and even billionaire businessmen like Michael Jordan, Shaq o Neal,  Oscar de la Hoya,  M Pacquiao.  So are other nameless investment banker and business owner.

Why do sportsmen, bikers becomes successful:

1.  They develop good habits.  They wake up early, practice, have training schedule
2.   They improve everyday.  Performance has to improve:   faster, stronger, higher
3.  They practice goal orientation.   Every action has to have a goal.  For instance, a long ride has a goal
      to reach a far away destination.  After reaching a destination a new goal takes over -  how to get home
4.   Results matter.     The mile run has to be under 3:30, the marathon in 2 hours (or less)
5.  Hardship make you tough, resilient and determined.    Hardship make you a better person.  You develop
     persistence, patience and determination.  
6.  You are trained to plan when you ride:   your route, your equipment (your inputs:   bike, tools, PHP, 
     how to negotiate your route Consider the weather:  rain or sunshine  (sunburn protection)
6.  Not to quit.    Only to rest for a while:  5 mins.  But never to quit

Strong mind in a strong body.    Mens sana  en corpora sano

All the things that we see now were created by thoughts of human mind.  And certainly only people with strong body can think well and come out with good things for the society.  

So what are you waiting for?  When do you start to exercise?   When do you start to bike

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