Thursday, May 30, 2024

Correcting my error in reassembly of the Fulcrum

Wheels of Happiness

Being so eager to implement a new idea in bearing regrease, I disassembled again the Fulcrum.  When I reassembled this, I could not get the WS turn freely and  had difficulty in adjusting the pre load.  I though it was simply a matter of adjusting the tightness of the cones on the hubs.   But no matter....

This post reviewed the YT.  It was possible that I got the bushing  replaced the wrong way, facing down instead of facing down.   And so I discovered that I placed the bushing wrong, facing up, so it always slipped down at the opposite site, and was not held by the compression ring.  

I got this right this time, the compression ring stuck put, the bushing did not fall down, the assembly was deeper, rather than out.   And when I tightened the pre load, it was marvelous.  The wheel turned freely and spun well

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