Tuesday, February 25, 2025

This post finally got the Wheeltop EDS TX shift to the large chain ring

Wheels of Happiness

It has been a month since the said group set arrived.   And two weeks ago, while the GS was adjusted via apps by the mechanic to shift to the biggest cog 36t, it stopped shifting at the FD side to the lqrge chainring.   While it does not bother me in riding not to have the 50t, I am a little bit disappointed that the bn GS does not workk 100%.      Tried again the apps, but this post could not make the large chain ring work.   Reviewed again the manual and the apps.  It has to be mechanical issue.    The chain has to be 0.5 to 3 mm from the side of the FD cage.  

I tried to adjust the crank so that the chain ring would move inward.   Then reviewed again the adjustment of the C limiting screw of the FD assembly.   I tried to screw it in while in the small chain ring mode.     Then all of a sudden, the chain ring was inside the  cage by 2 - 3 mm.  And trieid to shift it and it worked.  Eureka.    PTL

Its a good buy after all.   

Monday, February 24, 2025

After nearly decade, filed with SSS for retirement benefits

Wheels of Happiness

My classmate Graciano de los Santos who worked at SSS Sta Lucia, and Joshua Noble, a kapadyak all volunteered to process my retirement benefits at SSS.  I demurred because they said, when you get the lump sum, you suddenly fall ill and enter into end of life situation.  That is a fearful scenario and there is always denying that would not happen to you.

And so finally, last Friday, we went to SSS to apply for the said end of job event, and to the bank, to open a remittance account.  May be after a month, I will get my lump sum.  What to do with this -  buy a Kespor Ti bike?  Ha6

Nearly collided crashed into MC rider overtaking from the right

Wheels of Happiness

As this post rode out yesterday, getting out of M Diaz, an MC following me suddenly overtook me -  AT THE RIGHT side, startling me, nearing colliding crashing into him as I was brining the bike to the edge of the road.   On a narrow 3 ft wide remaining section of the road, he accelerated and overtook me.

I thought, through my long years of driving a motor vehicle (licensed honest to goodness) it is illegal to overtake from the right.   And so I thought.

Am grateful, I did not meet an accident.   The guy must be told.   Lack of education, lack of knowledge of LTO law.  (How many drivers are like that?)

No driver available to drive the SAG vehicle, dream of reaching Mindanao via Samar and Leyte now unclear

Wheels of Happiness

I was initially tempted to join the Maws in their plan on April 16 - 22 to bike up to Davao via Samar Leyte, 4- 5 days max.  I plan to bring a support SAG vehicle a pick up to support our ride    The pick up would bring us to Matnog, do a roro to Allen Samar and tag along for two days at Samar Leyte, then two days in Mindanao.  However there are two problems:

    1.  No driver is available for the 5- 6 days journey;
    2.  The fuel system of the pick up, being electronic seems to be busted (a suction valve) and cant be driven 100%

Dream gone.   I said this to Gerry all ready.  My joining is doubtful

The problem with the Wheeltop not shifting at FD for large chain ring is mechanical; we thought it was apps

Wheels of Happiness

While the mechanic was able to fix the large cog not shifting, the shifting to the large chainring ensued.   However the signal then was weak and then decided that we defer the fixing of the problem.

However when we went to the apps, it said, the large guide must be 0.10 mm inside distance to the chain.  However the adjusting limit screw was to its limit.

Can increasing the length of the limit screw be the solution?  Let us see

Monday, February 10, 2025

Cheap electronic groupset is giving me and mechanic headaches.

Wheels of Happiness

#bikerides, #seniorrides, #biking, #seniorrides

It may not be the groupset itself but the apps.  Its hard to get the apps to work.  It asks for so many things and by the time you receive the verification code, they say it has expired.    And then  the adjustment.  The mechanics was able to make the rd climb to 36 t.  Now tinopak:   the fd works only on small chain ring.  Its only at 01 and wont shift to 02.  What the.....

Trigger finger exercises

Wheels of Happiness

The symptoms of trigger finger are:  locked fingers, (cant extend) or extended and cant bend.   It occurs because of over use of finger in braking on bikes, or climbing, or too much computer work.

One such colleague complained of such condition and said she could not bike for a month and may possibly undergo surgery.

This post experienced such, researched YT and followed the exercises recommended.  I do not have trigger finger anymore.       

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

All 3 bikes now functional: S works, Sava Ti, and Pinarello F10

Wheels of Happiness

Before, only the Ti was usable functional bike.  Pinarellos hood was ripped off after a dooring accident;   the Sworks SRAM changer was toast, as well as its rear tires whose side walls had puncture holes. 

For the Pinarello, this post had DIY make do solution for the rubber hood cover:   just wrapped old bike interior to make the feel on the right STI (brifter smoother and for aesthetic purpose), 

For the S works for the tire used super glue to bond the rubber patch on to the sidewalls.  Now am more confident that I will not get puncture as a I ride.  For the shifter, I bought an electronic changer for the the bike.  Though its not perfect, I can use most of the gears I need:  the front chainring, big and small, and the 36t large cog.   

Solved.  Now happy

Monday, February 3, 2025

New lease life for weak sidewalls of Vittoria

Wheels of Happiness

The bike mechanic this morning noticed the loose strips of rubber that lay loose on the side of the rear wheels of the bike.   He recommended that super glue be used to paste the rubber strip.  I bought a pack of 3 which cost me P29.00.   I used only one of them

The rubber strip stayed and am now confident that the tire will last say another 6 months (although Ii have orders for much cheaper Chao Yang, at 300+ wired vs the more expensive Vittoria at P3,000+

Biked this morning up to Morong KM 44, visited Mario Toledo to have the bike fixed - Wheeltop does not want to shift to 36t

Wheels of Happiness

This post biked this morning to Morong KM 44, near the New Municipal Building of Morong.   On the way, I discovered that there is a Bikol Ni Lugawan in Mambog Binangonan Rizal near the INC church.  That means, I have to bike just 10 km instead of 20 km+ to Lagundi Morong Rizal.

At Cardona a 60 ish MTB rider just past the municipal hall passed by and conversed regarding my destination and I said I am up to Morong only, and he said he is from Tanay.   I chased him and overtook him at Callahan and over the top he overtook me and chased him again from the exit arch and overtook him near the Bombongan crossing.  He inquired about my age and answered 73 and he said he is 59   So that is about 2 decades difference.   

I returned and then proceeded to my main destination a bike mechanic from Mambog Binangonan Rizal.  He lives at Crystal East Binangonan and arrived there at about 9 am.  He awoke at about 9:30   I went there to do a back job on the Wheeltop electronic GS that does not shift up to 36 t.  I need the 36 t to enable me to ride up steep hills like the ones going up Mambog.   There were 3 hills till Marios place and I only had 32t to manage the climb.  The first one was about 20% grade.

While waiting for Mario, I conversed with the regired Msgt from PA.  He was being massaged on account of neuropathy from diabetes and difficulty in standing   I learned that his wife just died  and may be he weas recovering from the grief.  We talked about same situation as I have.  Diabetic and growing weakness. I advised him to exercise some more and be happy.

As for the bike, Mario was able to make the gears go back to 36t.  But he needs to access the apps to smoothne out hte high gears.  

Sunday, February 2, 2025

An unknown blogger, BA - TJ sent questions regarding seniors biking

Wheels of Happiness

An unknown blogger, netizen DM me 9 point questions regarding biking for seniors.  Though I do not know much about him, and the qurestions were straight forward, I answered him promptly.  I told him too that I was with Kara David in 400 km bike ride to Bicol

The questions center on benefits of biking, and how biking should be:

1.  Biking develops posture, you dont stoop or do duck walk;
2.  Better breathing 
3.  Long life
4.  Lesser maintenance medicine
5.  Being more positive, happier
6.  Having stronger bones.  
     The theory is that brittle bones is not caused solely by lack of Vit D and Calcium but by weaker muscles.   So you have to exercise if possible using weights.    Lifting weights develope muscles which makes bones stronger.
7.  Freedome from Sarcopenia.  As we age, our muscle mass depletes.  Only exercise can partially stop that or stop that.   

So bike more exercise more

More power to his web site...

Still debugging the Wheeltop EDS Tx gs ; it does not shift to 36t

Wheels of Happiness

I am on my third day after Mario installed the Wheeltop DS Tax.  Its not completely debugged.
There were two problems:    1.   It does not shift to the big chain ring, 2.  The RD does not shift to 36t (allegedly the biggest cog that it could accommodate.

When Mario installed this all gears were working.  However the cranks set got loose, the highest gear 11t was not working well, so I made adjustment to the RD (and then the 36t) does no work anymorel

I waited to get the apps to function but it was quirky.  I got the gears all smoothed out all right, but the 36t still not worked.   So I have to go back  to Mario because it looks like its mechanical. Just minor tweaks.

But I am happy over all with the way the bike works.  It gave me added confidence and added ommph.  Speed.